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WEAll Scotland response to new First Minister

We wish to congratulate John Swinney as he takes up the role of First Minister of Scotland.

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At a time when 1 in 4 children in Scotland are growing up in poverty, we welcome the First Minister's statement that eradicating child poverty will be his key policy priority. But this will only be possible if we redesign our economy to serve the interests of people and planet.

We are disappointed and concerned to see that the Wellbeing Economy name has been dropped from the new cabinet portfolio. We sincerely hope that changing the name does not imply a change in the Government's commitment to building a Wellbeing Economy in Scotland.

Mr Swinney has repeatedly stated his intention to create a vibrant economy but this will not be achieved by following an outdated economic model. One that is more concerned with maximising growth at all costs rather than building a stable foundation for long-term prosperity. An economic model that we know delivers entrenched poverty, inequality and environmental breakdown, and constantly forces us to repair the damage it creates.

To establish a vibrant and thriving economy in Scotland, we urgently need to create a Wellbeing Economy that delivers good lives for all on a healthy planet, both now and in the future. An economic model that is built on the principles of dignity, fairness, nature, purpose and participation. Only then will we be able to eradicate poverty and create a flourishing Scotland.

We look forward to continuing to work with the Scottish Government to build the economy that Scotland needs. Now more than ever we need a Wellbeing Economy to tackle the challenges of our time.



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