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Scottish Government responds to open letter

Updated: Dec 5, 2024

In September, over 130 social and environmental justice NGOs, grassroots community groups, faith groups, service providers, funders, economists, academics, think tanks and business leaders joined forces in an open letter to the First Minister. The broad group united in their support of the Wellbeing and Sustainable Development Bill proposed by Sarah Boyack MSP.

The letter, led by the Wellbeing Economy Alliance Scotland (WEAll Scotland), was signed by One Parent Families Scotland, Stop Climate Chaos Scotland, The Poverty Alliance, Scotland’s International Development Alliance, Independent Food Aid Network, Quakers in Scotland and many others.

The letter, sent to the First Minister, set out how a Wellbeing and Sustainable Development Bill would create a step change in policy making: “It would create a clear and shared narrative of progress for Scotland; establish wellbeing and sustainable development as the drivers of policy and practice; help tackle the nature and climate crises; and contribute to global justice.”

This week, WEAll Scotland received a response from the Scottish Government. WEAll Scotland Director, Aileen McLeod, said: "We are pleased to see the Scottish Government's commitment to working across the chamber on this issue. It is encouraging that a meeting has already taken place between Sarah Boyack MSP, Deputy First Minister Kate Forbes MSP and Tom Arthur MSP. We look forward to working closely with Tom Arthur as he has taken on responsibility for this area moving forward."



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